(514) 431-0556

Luxurious condos cleaning.Commercial cleaning.

Health centres and public health clinics must comply with even more strict cleaning and sanitation standards than any other venue. Studies show that more than 30% of infections can be prevented if proper sanitation and hygiene measures are established. The good practices in health care settings take into account many factors. Cleaning personal must be professional, must have extensive experience in hospital hygiene and sanitation, and be able identify hazards in every environment. Proper cleaning equipment must be used to ensure complete removal of microorganisms, bacteria, spores, viruses, and fungi from surfaces and objects in public places, such as waiting-rooms and bathrooms, cantinas, etc. Finally, only environmentally friendly, non-toxic cleaning agents that do not have noxious fumes, and do not cause irritations or other reactions must be used.

Nettoyage Pour Vous has a team of professional cleaning technicians, who have received appropriate training. Our proffesionals will develop a unique cleaning scheme that fits your needs and budget, so you can concentrate on your patients and business. Here are the cleaning services for health care facilities that we strongly recommend to our clients:


  • hard surface floor care
  • restrooms
  • carpet care
  • phones and exposed surfaces disinfection
  • dusting
  • spring cleaning
  • emergency clean-up
  • window washing

Contact us now to find out more about the clening services for health centres and public clinics.

Welcome words of owner

"Dans une societe, le nettoyage des bureaux est essentiel. Les personnes qui passent plusieurs heures par jour dans cette piece doivent s'y sentir bien. Quelque soit le secteur d'activites, quelque soit la taille de votre entreprise, NPV Company vous concoit des plans de nettoyage adaptes! Nous offrons des tarifs abordables tres concurrentiels et notre clientele n'a aucun engagement a signer. Nous fournissons a tous nos clients un service de qualite de haut niveau. Une estimation gratuite et sur mesure (vous ne payer que ce dont vous avez vraiment besoin). References et assurance."