(514) 431-0556

Luxurious condos cleaning.Commercial cleaning.

One of our most popular services is carpet cleaning. Using a variety of specialty cleaning products and tools our technicians are able to achieve great results even in the most challenging cases.

Carpet is a common floor covering in commercial settings. Although carpet has many advantages, one of its biggest disadvantages is transportability; that is it has to be cleaned on the spot. This type of covering best accumulates dust, dirt, and stains from coffe and tea; which is especially true for bussines settings with many employees. When contaminated the carpet can cause serious allergic reactions among employees, as well as scare-off potential clients.

Nettoyage pour Vous has a signifficant experience in office carpet cleaning, we work hard untill the carpet looks as good as new. In the process of cleaning we use professional cleaning equipment and products to ensure a complete dirt removal. Our cleaning agents are extremely effective, toxic-free, safe for humans and pets, and have no odor when drying up. To ensure safety of the staff and productivity of business enviroment always clean your carpet on time. Contact us to find out what method best fits your office.

Welcome words of owner

"Dans une societe, le nettoyage des bureaux est essentiel. Les personnes qui passent plusieurs heures par jour dans cette piece doivent s'y sentir bien. Quelque soit le secteur d'activites, quelque soit la taille de votre entreprise, NPV Company vous concoit des plans de nettoyage adaptes! Nous offrons des tarifs abordables tres concurrentiels et notre clientele n'a aucun engagement a signer. Nous fournissons a tous nos clients un service de qualite de haut niveau. Une estimation gratuite et sur mesure (vous ne payer que ce dont vous avez vraiment besoin). References et assurance."