(514) 431-0556

Luxurious condos cleaning.Commercial cleaning.

Daily Cleaning Plans are designed for small and larger offices with a heavy daily client load (bank, lawyer office, etc), offices where cleanliness is required due to their profile (medical, food), and offices where the contamination rates are elevated (repair shops). Daily Cleaning Plans are essentially the set of tasks that helps maintain the office enviroment clean and sanitary on a daily basis. The plan is designed for settings with over 100 visitors per day.  

The list of the most common tasks for Daily Cleaning Plans includes the following:

  • Vacuuming the floor area (carpet)
  • Disinfectant mopping (hard floor covering)
  • Glass and other reflective surface cleaning
  • Table and other hard surface wiping
  • Door handles, light switches and baseboards wiping
  • Washroom sanitizing
  • Waste bins emptying
  • and more.

To find out more information and ask for quote for daily office cleaning plans please contacts us.

Welcome words of owner

"Dans une societe, le nettoyage des bureaux est essentiel. Les personnes qui passent plusieurs heures par jour dans cette piece doivent s'y sentir bien. Quelque soit le secteur d'activites, quelque soit la taille de votre entreprise, NPV Company vous concoit des plans de nettoyage adaptes! Nous offrons des tarifs abordables tres concurrentiels et notre clientele n'a aucun engagement a signer. Nous fournissons a tous nos clients un service de qualite de haut niveau. Une estimation gratuite et sur mesure (vous ne payer que ce dont vous avez vraiment besoin). References et assurance."